Who we are

The Geezers

The Geezers Club at AgeUK, Bow in East London was established in 2006 to counter loneliness and isolation amongst older men through activities that met members' needs and interests. Tidal power from the River Thames was the group's idea to improve the lives of London's older people.
Loraine Leeson

Dr. Loraine Leeson is a visual artist who works through social engagement to bring community-based knowledge into the public domain. She is Senior Lecturer at Middlesex University, where she teaches and researches Social Practice. Loraine developed and led the project.

Toby Borland

Dr. Toby Borland is a design engineer and sculptor. He previously ran MAGICbox, a prototyping laboratory hosted at the University of East London and has an interest in peer manufacture and renewable energy development. His  PhD in Computer Science was awarded by Brunel University.

Ann Light

Professor of Design & Creative Technology at University of Sussex with an interest in citizen innovation and social change. She was part of the team that  brought Loraine and The Geezers together to ask about future technologies in 2007, and has been documenting progress and pursuing opportunities to support the work ever since.

Fiona Fieber

Fiona Fieber is Head of SPACE Learning & Participation. Active Energy was part of the Artist as Neighbour programme which creates projects with artists and communities in the areas where SPACE runs its artists' studios. Fiona led the first Active Energy intergenerational project with Bow School.

Nithin Rai 

Trained as a biophysical chemist, Dr. Nithin Rai has special interest in marine renewable energy and co-owns the Tamesis Dock barge, which he made available to the Active Energy project for installation and launch of the 2013 turbine. 

Stephen Dodds

Emeritus Professor of University of East London and Academician of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences of Russia, Stephen is a renowned as a spacecraft attitude and orbit control systems engineer who developed the first computer-based attitude control algorithms for European Spacecraft. Stephen supported the first intergenerational project at Bow Boys’ School and assisted the Geezers in the development of their tidal turbine prototype designs.